When Should I Bring My Child to The Dentist: A Complete Timeline

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Bring Your Child To The Dentist When They Get Their First Tooth Or Are A Year Old

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If you're a new parent, life is probably a whirlwind of activity right now. From diaper changes to feedings, striving for a full night's sleep, pediatrician appointments, and everything in between. Amidst all this, your child's dental care might not be at the top of your priority list.

However, maintaining good dental health and oral hygiene is vital for your child's overall health as they grow. Not only is it crucial to clean their gums and teeth at home, but it's also essential to introduce your child to a pediatric dentist in Lake Orion and surrounding Michigan areas, such as Dr. Kasey Stark at Kids Tooth Team.

But when should your child first visit the dentist? What should you expect? How often should these visits occur? Get answers to all these questions and more in this blog from Kids Tooth Team.

The American Association of Pediatric Dentists (AAPD) suggests that kids should have their first dentist visit when their first tooth appears, or when they turn one year old, whichever comes first. Most kids sprout their first tooth between the ages of 6-12 months old, making it an ideal time to visit Dr. Kasey and Kids Tooth Team for the first time.

We understand that parents have a lot on their plates. If your child has more than one tooth or is over a year old, that's perfectly fine! They should still come to our office for a dental cleaning and checkup. The earlier they receive care, the better, so it's best to bring your little one to the dentist for the first time as soon as you can.

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Calling All Little Fishermen!

We love welcoming new folks ‘round these parts. If you’re planning your first visit, be sure to take advantage of our new patient special. With a free second opinion consultation, exam, and cleaning, we’ll make sure your little one gets started off on the right foot at our office.

Get the Details

What To Expect From Your Child’s First Dentist Appointment

If it's your child's inaugural visit to the dentist, you might be uncertain about what to anticipate. Here's a concise rundown of the procedure, and what you and your little one should prepare for.

  • Cleaning of teeth and gums – Depending on your child's age, they could either sit independently on the dental chair or you could cradle them on your lap. A member of our team will delicately clean their gums and any visible teeth to ensure their grin remains bright and wholesome.
  • X-rays (if required) – If deemed necessary, we might suggest a set of x-rays. However, X-rays are typically not required for younger children unless they have a high risk of tooth decay or a history of it, and are usually not performed until your child is at least 2-3 years old.
  • Dental examination – Dr. Kasey will enter the room to meet you and your little one. She will then inspect your child’s mouth, examining their teeth and gums to evaluate their oral health.
  • Q&A session – Dr. Kasey will discuss her findings with you. She's ready to answer any queries you might have about maintaining your child's oral hygiene, brushing techniques, dietary advice, and more. At Kids Tooth Team, our mission is to equip parents and kids with the knowledge they need to sustain healthy smiles!
  • Scheduling follow-ups – Lastly, you'll arrange any necessary follow-up appointments at Kids Tooth Team. Usually, this will be your child's next six-month dental cleaning and oral exam, but if Dr. Kasey observes any oral health issues, your child might need additional care like dental sealants, fluoride treatments, or fillings.

Your Child Needs To Continue Seeing The Dentist Every 6 Months

Just like a routine physical, your child's dental checkups shouldn't be a one-time affair! Once you've brought your little one to Kids Tooth Team for their inaugural visit, it's essential to keep up with bi-annual appointments.

Regular visits provide Dr. Kasey and our dedicated team the opportunity to monitor your child's oral development, spot early indicators of issues such as cavities, and ensure that your child's mouth is in tip-top shape.

At Kids Tooth Team, we understand the importance of convenience. That's why we offer flexible scheduling options, making it a breeze to arrange your little one's next visit. After your child's first appointment, simply stop by our front desk, and we'll promptly schedule their upcoming visit with Dr. Kasey.

Understanding The Benefits Of Preventive Care For Kids

Curious about why it's crucial to schedule your child's dental checkup with Kids Tooth Team every six months? Here's a handful of reasons to make us your go-to for preventive care.

  • Monitor oral growth – As your child grows, their oral landscape evolves. Regular six-month checkups with Dr. Kasey Stark allow us to keep an eye on their oral development, ensuring everything is progressing as it should.
  • Detect cavities and other problems early – Cavities are the number one preventable disease among children of all ages. Regular teeth cleanings are a key preventive measure against cavities, and our six-month oral exams can spot them early if they do start to form, allowing for immediate treatment.
  • Save time and money – Preventing oral health issues like cavities or spotting them early on not only safeguards your child's oral health but also saves you time and money by avoiding more extensive dental treatments. Plus, preventive care such as teeth cleanings and oral exams are always covered by dental insurance for kids under 18.
  • Foster relationships – Over time, both you and your child will get to know Dr. Kasey Stark and the team at Kids Tooth Team. We'll build genuine relationships that make dental visits less intimidating for your child and allow our team to better understand their unique oral health challenges.
  • Pave the way for success – Establishing good dental care and oral hygiene habits from an early age sets your child on a path to success. They'll develop lifelong positive oral hygiene habits and a healthy attitude towards dental care that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Ready To Begin Your Child’s Journey To A Healthy Mouth? Come To Kids Tooth Team!

Whether you're a first-time parent, new to the neighborhood, or simply haven't had the opportunity to schedule your child's dental appointment, Kids Tooth Team is ready to step in. We're always welcoming new patients in Lake Orion and the surrounding Michigan areas.Feel free to reach out to us online or ring us up to arrange an appointment today. We're conveniently located in Lake Orion, MI, and we can't wait to meet you and your child. With Dr. Kasey Stark and the Kids Tooth Team, rest assured your child will receive the top-notch pediatric dental care they need to maintain a healthy smile.

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Is Your Little One Due for a Checkup?

Giddyup and Schedule a Preventive Appointment!

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